Julia Foundation

Introducing the ‘Julia Foundation’

For young women wishing to enter a Trade Apprenticeship

East Coast Apprenticeships is proud trustee of the ‘Julia Foundation’, launched in honour of passionate TAFE educator Julia Thaggard, who passed away in September 2015. The Foundation encourages and supports disadvantaged young women through Trade Apprenticeships, a fitting legacy to a woman who worked tirelessly to provide opportunity to those who ordinarily wouldn’t have the chance.

Julia was a fierce promoter of the difference education can make in people’s lives. Julia’s work within TAFE Queensland was honoured in 2015 with official recognition as a TAFE Legend.

The Julia Foundation was established and implemented to help young disadvantaged women secure and complete a Trade Apprenticeship. Organisations and individuals are invited to nominate for limited places in the Foundation. There must be a genuine commitment to become a tradesperson and evidence of this commitment will be explored during a robust selection process.

Nominations will be required to outline the nature of disadvantage and the profile of applicants by completing a Nomination Form which will be provided on request.

*Placements for this Program are strictly by Nomination only and is offered on a timely basis

*Information provided in applications for the Julia Foundation will be treated as strictly confidential and are supplied on the understanding that they will be held confidentially and not disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent of the applicant

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